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Improve your results through access to program metrics and reporting

Lift & Shift provides comprehensive program metrics and reporting as part of its full-service program management offering. You’ll receive extensive reporting on the significant impact your loyalty program is having. You’ll be able to compare key statistics on two bases:

i) reward earners versus non-reward earners

ii) behavior trending over time, including pre- and post-program launch, plus rolling 12 months.

Your online program dashboard and ‘snapshot’ reports can be customized to include whatever metric or measure is relevant to your goals and objectives. The most popular reports include:

  • Ongoing program return on investment (ROI) measurement
  • ROI measurement on short-term tactical bonus offers
  • For customers/channel partners: sales and purchase impact (total dollars, number of transactions, transaction size, frequency of transaction, cross-selling occasions, product adoption, etc.)
  • Program participation indicators (enrollment, reward redemption, attrition, etc.)
  • Marketing effectiveness information (email account stats, bonus offer use, etc.)

Know, track and improve your program ROI

A key metric is your program ROI. It’s critical to know and easy to measure the ROI of your reward program and any short-term tactical offers you promote through the program. This is a significant difference between performance-based reward programs and other B2B sales and marketing tactics (trade shows, trade advertising, online advertising, etc.) where most costs are 100% sunk, regardless of their impact on sales, and difficult to measure.


With a growth-based B2B loyalty program, data will determine if the users behavior has been influenced as you intended – whether a customer’s purchasing with you has grown or if a channel partner’s sales have increased. Or if an employee’s performance has strengthened. If their performance has improved, then they earn the rewards you have allocated to each goal. No improvements? Then, no rewards. And no rewards costs. Your program ROI is always assured.

Program review is essential

An effective B2B loyalty program is intended to be a profit center for your business. It’s flexible. It must be regularly updated and aligned with your current opportunities and challenges, based on ongoing measurement and evaluation. Gathering data and creating insight allows us to work with you to refine and re-engineer the reward program accordingly, ensuring it is always aligned with your business objectives.


Evaluation should be done quarterly, especially after any short-term bonus offers have concluded. The most important metric to be evaluated is whether reward earners changed their desired behavior – were we successful in influencing the behaviors of program participants as we desired?


It's also useful to solicit input from your sales team and/or your channel partner/ISO. A B2B loyalty program is first and foremost, a sales tool – so get candid feedback regarding likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, and opportunities for ongoing program enhancement.

The Lift & Shift Advantage

Lift & Shift has the experience needed to interpret program results, and to place those results into context so they can be actioned.


Reporting involves vast amounts of raw data, potentially complex calculations and the experience to know how to understand the numbers. We compare your current program results to pre-program data. And we look at reward earners vs non-reward earners. There’s also external data to consider, including things like seasonality, competitive activity, extreme weather interruptions, and economic factors (like worldwide pandemics). We have the tools and expertise to deliver the knowledge you need.


Loyalty program reporting is pivotal to understand your progress and to help chart a path forward. Our reporting and dashboard services provide you with an immediate and clear grasp on how your reward program is delivering against its goals.

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